The most advanced supplier search

Unleash your Procurement

...with an individually configurable artificial intelligence. You save time. You reduce process costs. 7Q1 finds the best suppliers for you in a highly automated way. Fast, intuitive and with unbeatable quality.

Used by companies like...


Continental Logo audi Bosch Logo Thyssenkrupp AG Logo Bosch Rexroth AG Logo cellcentric Logo Gardena Logo Balluff Logo Vitesco Technologies Logo cellcentric Logo Kion Group Logo Uniper Logo giesecke Devrient GmbH Logo Husqvarna Logo WAREMA Logo Martin Logo Memmert Logo Kostal Logo BPW Logo SIGEL Logo Hettich Logo KAMAX Logo Simona Logo Lapp Logo Robert Thomas Logo Felix Schoeller Group Logo Löffler Logo
Find the best suppliers

Why 7Q1 is the future of supplier search

Artificial intelligence keeps you one step ahead of the competition

While others are still updating their supplier databases, we offer an advanced solution to analyze supplier markets. We don't have a vast database, nor do we have a fancy supplier registration portal. Our algorithms search the entire textual internet in every new search.
With intelligent algorithms and a user-centric process, we thereby identify the truly relevant suppliers. A supplier search cannot be more up-to-date and more accurate.

  1. Fully automated AI-based supplier search
  2. Most current database: The entire Internet
  3. Customizable Artificial Intelligence
  4. Language barriers leveraged: 7Q1 speaks over 160 languages
  5. Integratability into existing systems ensured
  6. Automatic checking of ESG criteria
Functionality 7Q1

Find new suppliers overnight

  • The Search Setup

    Configure our AI with your expertise. When setting up a new search, answer 7 simple questions. For example: What expertise is important in the suppliers you are looking for? Are you searching globally or only in specific regions?
    The AI guides you through this process and provides assistance where you need it. At the end, you decide which requirements you want to give the AI.

  • The Supplier Target Profile

    7Q1 cleverly combines your answers with each other, links them to matching keywords and logically develops them further. The resulting individual supplier target profile is now used by the AI to search the entire textual Internet for suitable suppliers.

  • Global Sourcing in all Languages
    The AI searches the entire data space for you, worldwide, in all languages. The AI uses the entire textual internet as a data source. These include company websites, data from chambers of commerce, trade associations, ports, trade fairs, company registers and many other public and non-public sources where companies leave information

    In short: a superior, multilingual competence that opens up unimagined possibilities in the search for suppliers.
  • Supplier Rating

    After a few minutes, the user receives an initial supplier list consisting of 10 to 20 suppliers. These suppliers are to be evaluated: Does the supplier fit the requirements? Does the supplier master all the necessary technologies? Are all parameters correct?

    With this feedback, the AI gets to know your requirements even better. You train the AI and parameterize the final algorithm.

  • AI Clustering

    With the help of your evaluations, the AI now clusters well-fitting and not so well-fitting suppliers and thus forms the technical basis for the final longlist.

    Within a few hours, the final supplier list with up to 100 suitable suppliers is created using state-of-the-art AI algorithms.

  • The final Longlist

    With the final longlist of perfectly suitable suppliers, you receive a lot of further information. In addition to company information, you also receive contact details and data on the company's sustainability aspects: ESG scores and CO2 logistics values.

    Get an overview yourself or contact them directly: 7Q1 has prepared all relevant information clearly for you. Exporting is also child's play, so you can continue working smoothly in your target systems.

7Q1 Process

Customer Testimonials

  • "Time is king in strategic procurement nowadays. 7Q1 and its technology allows us to identify suppliers globally faster than ever before."

    Marc Weshels

    Marc Weshels

    VP Commodity Purchasing, Bosch Rexroth
  • "The 7Q1 approach helped us to establish our supplier portfolio within a very short period of time. The easy adjustability of the AI was an essential factor for very good longlist results."

    Mario Hess

    Mario Hess

    Head of Procurement, cellcentric - A Daimler Truck & Volvo Group Company
  • "Dank 7Q1 können Unternehmen effizient, effektiv und mit nur wenigen Klicks nach neuen potenziellen Lieferanten in der Versorgungskette suchen. 7Q1 kann ein wertvoller, geschätzter Partner des modernen Einkaufs werden."

    Markus Nikodemus

    Markus Nikodemus

    Head of Purchasing, SIMONA Group
  • "Supplier search can be a time consuming task – the AI of 7Q1 helps us to increase efficiency and speed in this process. Special benefit is provided in identifying potential suppliers in new technologies or unknown markets."

    Markus Kreuzer - Gardena

    Markus Kreuzer

    Director Purchasing, Gardena Division HUSQVARNA GROUP
Get more information

Our Whitepapers

Einsparpotentiale im Einkauf

Unsere Welt ist im Wandel. Organisationen müssen ihre Beschaffungsprozesse und Strategien zur Erreichung ihrer Ziele fortlaufend anpassen. Der Aufbau einer robusten, nachhaltigen und dennoch kostengünstigen Lieferantenbasis ist ein entscheidender Baustein zur Erreichung dieser Ziele. Erfahren Sie, wie 7Q1 dabei unterstützen kann.




Nachhaltigkeitsziele erreichen

In der heutigen Geschäftswelt ist Nachhaltigkeit von immenser Bedeutung. Unternehmen, die sich für Nachhaltigkeit engagieren, erkennen die Notwendigkeit, nicht nur kurzfristige Gewinne zu maximieren, sondern auch langfristige soziale und ökologische Ziele zu verfolgen, um eine bessere Zukunft für die kommenden Generationen zu schaffen. In diesem Whitepaper erfahren Sie, wie sich dies langfristig effizient gestalten lässt.



Smart integration of supplier data

Our Connectors

You can integrate all relevant data into your own IT system. This is ensured by our standard connectors to common systems such as SAP, Jaggaer, Microsoft Dynamics and many more.


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  • ms-dynamics