Identify suppliers, reduce process costs, integrate data

Global AI-based configurable supplier search for your purchasing department

Find the best suppliers

Global AI based supplier search

7Q1 combines all data sources into a valuable data treasure trove for strategic purchasing and thus allows the fast and objective identification of perfect suppliers.

By using AI and big data, 7Q1 searches are language-independent and fully automated. Thus, your strategic purchasing can focus on the actual tasks and ensure the material supply as well as make the right service providers available with precision fit.

With 7 questions to the
perfect supplier

By answering seven questions and defining the specific needs, you playfully configure the AI-powered search engine. No matter whether for direct, indirect material or for services: In no time at all, you will receive initial results.

Customize AI algorithm

In doing so, 7Q1 offers you the possibility to customize the AI algorithms without specific knowledge and to configure them individually for your needs.


   Fully automated AI-based supplier search

  Minimal effort to start a search

  Always the latest market insights

  All results within max. 24 hours

  Worldwide identification through language independence

  Integratability into existing systems ensured

Become more sustainable

Our Sustainability Features

Every decision we make today has an impact on the world of tomorrow. We support you in making sustainable decisions and making your company fit for the future - thanks to our latest AI technology. The sustainability aspect plays an important role not only in your current supplier portfolio, but also in your search for new suppliers. With 7Q1, you will not only find the most suitable suppliers, but also those that meet your ESG criteria. In this way, we expand your supplier base and check your entire supply chain for sustainability. Therefore, you can be sure that your sustainability goals will be met. With our artificial intelligence, you are one step ahead of the competition.


ESG Scoring

Our ESG scoring provides meaningful information on compliance with the ESG criteria of the companies found when searching for suppliers. We collect scores for environment, social and governance to quickly identify potential risks. This allows you to fulfill your duty of care and ensure that your business meets the highest standards. The feature can also be applied to your existing supplier portfolio thanks to 7Q1.

CO2 Footprint Calculator

With the CO2 Footprint Calculator from 7Q1, you effectively reduce your CO2 emissions. Thanks to state-of-the-art algorithms and AI technology, we directly calculate the CO2 footprint for each identified supplier. To do this, the calculator calculates the optimal routes for transport by sea, air or road. On this basis, the expected CO2 emissions are determined for each type of transport.

And that's just the beginning. In the future, 7Q1's CO2 Footprint Calculator will even be able to help you optimize your supplier portfolio to operate even more sustainably. With this tool, you will be able to reduce the CO2 emissions of your entire supply chain - and thus make a valuable contribution to climate protection.


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